Not everyone is my friend. But the rare friends that I have are not anyone's else cup of tea!!!

I want my relationship like that of radha-krishan ji. No more argument !!!

You can never be as important as you are, to a particular person all the time. Remember that !!!

Category: Fiction

And then, one fine day!!!

She was a completely mysterious girl...unable to understand. In front of her people…she is the most extrovert and misbehaved girl, but in front of others….she is the most innocent child. She never allowed anybody to see her real side. She showed as if she had no fears in life,...

Friends became Family!!!

Once, there was a girl who was very bubbly and naughty in nature. She was so friendly and jolly that everybody loved being with her. And she was even good in her studies, and so the teachers loved her. She was at the peak of getting success every academic...