Not everyone is my friend. But the rare friends that I have are not anyone's else cup of tea!!!

I want my relationship like that of radha-krishan ji. No more argument !!!

You can never be as important as you are, to a particular person all the time. Remember that !!!

It’s never too late to chase your dreams

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The lady who firmly believed that it’s never too late to chase your dreams. But, time plays a very important role in every field. This is a small try to bring out inspiring stories of such inspirational entrepreneurs.

An Entrepreneur’s initiative to help God’s other creation- Dogs!!!

I firmly believe that we are given dreams because we have it in us to fulfill them.  What’s a dream? It’s something that excites us and gives us sheer joy and pure bliss. It’s like our inner calling.

Journey of Miss Monica Kaushik

But most of the time we are not even aware of it as we go through life routines. Getting an education, finding a good job, getting married, and taking care of family, and kids, and with it, life just keeps happening. Once in a while we feel a gentle nudge and we question ourselves- Is this really what I want to do? Am I really happy?

We feel tempted to break the routine, be brave and follow our dreams but the majority of the time, we give in. It’s too scary to take an uncertain path. It’s too scary to rock the boat, we tell ourselves and succeed in convincing ourselves too.

Time can never be your boss

I felt this gentle nudging 2 years ago, during the Covid-19 pandemic when life was not so rushed. When I had time to really think and reconsider my path. For years, I wanted to do something of my own. Be my own boss. And follow my dream!! But never took any action and always satisfied myself by saying- I DON’T HAVE TIME.

And then, all of a sudden I had the time as I was working from home and the usual work pressures were not there. This time I decided to listen to my intuition and pay attention to that gentle nudge and most importantly decided to take Action.

I decided to utilize my time in pursuing my hobbies. Doing what made me truly happy. And as the intent was set in my mind, the doors of opportunities kept opening one after the other in beautiful synchronicities. I felt the path was always there, only I was the one, ignoring it.

I had no plan as such. How will I start my business? What business can I pursue after working for over 20+ years? I even doubted and questioned myself – can I really do it? But this time the intent was set, so I overcame my fears and doubts and just followed my heart.

One fine day, I came across an online course. It was about “Making Skin Care Products using Natural Ingredients”. Voila! The light bulb was on. I was always very interested in nature, natural ingredients, herbs, etc. And the idea of making skin care products on my own really fascinated me. I felt so empowered knowing – I CAN HAVE CONTROL ON WHAT I ALLOW ON MY SKIN. It was finally time to live on the saying – It’s never too late to chase your dreams.

Rest is History

I enrolled for the class and as they say – the rest is history. Slowly and gradually, I started experimenting and making all personal care products for self-use. The entire process was so amazing. I researched, read, and learned about the amazing power, uses, and benefits of Natural Ingredients. A whole new world has opened up for me and I gained so much knowledge. I still remember the excitement I felt when I made my first scrub or face cream. The feeling was like a child as my sense of curiosity was at its peak and every new experience was enthralling. I realized how badly this excitement was missing from my mundane life.

My friends played a huge role in steering my transition to an entrepreneur. They encouraged me and most importantly, they trusted me. I started taking orders and initially always felt butterflies in my stomach. The journey began, just like that. I was so happy.

Mission & Vision

Now, I had to choose a brand name as I was getting regular orders. I had to find vendors, buy the right packing materials, etc. I decided to name my brand ZOFEE’S. It’s the combination of my fur sons’ names – ZOro and CoFEE. I decided to dedicate my venture to these two angels who have loved me the most. Through Zofee’s I decided to support a Dog Shelter in Noida and help as many animals as I can. I also decided to create awareness about Natural Ingredients; their awesome benefits.

Zofee’s Logo

This is how the brand name and its mission were born. And the best part is, I always found time to follow my dream. I am so happy and content. It makes my heart full of joy when I get positive feedback from my customers.  I truly cherish and value their trust in Zofee’s and feel elated to offer Natural, Safe, and Effective products.

Visiting the Dog Shelter via Zofee’s support makes my heart full of love. I see my soul family in all the dogs at the shelter and animals per se and helping them gives me peace. Through Zofee’s, I want to reach out to more and more animals in need and make this world a little kind and loving for these angels, whom we call Man’s Best Friend.

It took me a very long time to chase my dream but better late than never. So, pay attention to that gentle nudge. Listen to your heart. Be brave in following your passion. Trust me it’s all worth it.

Zofee’s Motto

I live by Zofee’s Motto – Be Bold. Flaunt the REAL YOU.

To know more about Zofee’s journey and to check her and her products, go and check out her Instagram –

I have personally used the products and they are damn good for the skin. These stories inspire us, the youth, and tell the real meaning of It’s never too late to chase your dreams.

If you have any suggestions on any topic or any query, mail us at [email protected] or Instagram us at

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