Not everyone is my friend. But the rare friends that I have are not anyone's else cup of tea!!!

I want my relationship like that of radha-krishan ji. No more argument !!!

You can never be as important as you are, to a particular person all the time. Remember that !!!

Khayali Pulao

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Do you know that what it costs staying away from your family in such a situation??? No, I am not talking about the pandemic situation, I am just talking about the situation where your family needs you the most and due to some fucking reasons you are away can’t help them but just listen to their stressed voice over the phone call?? Being a girl, practically I very well know that one day I need to leave my family and my people and shift to the environment completely unknown, adjust with people I barely know. Till I reach that phase of my life, I just want to give my parents that much happiness in life, if they trun back to look at their past, they go the beautiful memory lane and not the situation today. I guess I am being over emotional from last few days and sometimes its completely okay…I have hold my tears and my pain from last 3 months unable to share with anyone. I cry on stupid things but i was quite when I faced something unexpected. Everyone who knew me where shocked knowing that I am normally smiling and living a happy life…Only the one’s who were attached to me saw the tears and knew my mental health was getting worsen day by day. I don’t know why am I writing this today and not from last 3 months….. I loved writing but never wanted to write about this…May be today I want to keep my doors closed for everyone and just take my heart out as it has been occupied by mixed feelings.

Broken into Pieces…

The idea of falling in love again is left behind and to trust someone seems like a mission now.
Finally the heart has lowered his hands saying Please Stop it!!! Asking when will you get tired of breaking me again and again? I wish I could make it understand that whatever is happening around is just a mere lie. The heart understood that cravings for care, love and affection were never going to be fulfilled and despite that it didn’t know how to stop expecting. With time, the feelings of insecurity and jealousy got amplified and like that I was forced to believe that I am nothing but just a huge Chaos in other’s life.

But then may be this is what is meant by FEELING!!!
Making you believe that nothing is worth rather than taking some risk in life.

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