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Some Important QAs for pet parents

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  • What are the healthy options of food for pets?

Like humans, animals too need to eat healthy to live a longer life. But pets cannot eat anything they like. Anything which has sugar harms animals as it becomes allergic and they start losing their hair. 

Protein is really important, therefore try to give the pets as much protein as possible. The best protein source is Chicken, Pork, or Turkey. Raw Goat, Cow milk, and Raw eggs give perfect nutrition to pets. For pets, good snacks may include yogurt or cheese. 

  • Is it necessary to have pet insurance? How much does it cost and what are the benefits?

These days, it is really hard to afford a pet along with the other costs. If your pet gets ill with any severe injury or disease, it gets hard to afford the extra money for the treatment. Therefore, every pet owner should have their pet insured which helps with the treatment. Some insurance companies also cover the pet’s death. The cost of insurance increases as your pet starts getting older, so the best time for budget-friendly insurance is when your pet is young. The insurance costs from Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 55,000 annually, depending upon what type of insurance you are taking and for which animal.

  • How to keep your pets hygienic at home?

It is really necessary to keep your pets clean because it can bring in diseases not just for the pets themselves but for their owners too. Cleaning the pet’s coat twice or thrice a week is important, and not letting it jump onto the owner’s bed is also equally important. Fixing a specific area and plate for the pet’s food is mandatory for the sake of home hygiene. The movement of the pet in the house should be limited to specific places so that the house remains clean and hygienic. If the pet is going in and out of the house regularly, the entrance of the house should be kept clean with hygienic mats to keep the germs carried by the pet from entering the house. 

  • What are the pillars of Pet wellness?

The main pillars of pet wellness include-

  1. Nourishment- Pets also need a proper and balanced diet and like their owners, one should keep this in mind.
  2. Play- Just a walk is not enough for pets. Pets also like spending time and playing with you like it not just for fun but it is a type of exercise for their brains.
  3. Comfort- For pets, peace of mind and body relaxation is very important. 
  4. Companionship- Like humans, pets also need friends to have fun with. Maintain good behaviour and reduce anxiety by not making them feel alone.

  • 6 behavioural changes to notice in a pet?

Aggressiveness- Something that doesn’t comes overnight in pets. This can happen due to some medical reason or may be possible that he is in pain. This is a must-visit to a Veterinarian.

Change in Appetite-

If you notice some change in the appetite of your pet, it may be possible that the pet is suffering just from a upset stomach or it may be a serious issue. 


If your pet suddenly starts hiding from you or is not social with you as he used to be, then it may be possible that he is in some pain that must be noticed as soon as possible as pets are someone who are always social and generally don’t want to feel left out.


For a very active pet, especially dogs, being lethargic is always a cause of concern. Like humans, dogs can also get lethargic after a long day out or some exercise but otherwise, if they seem to feel lethargic, it should not be ignored.

Weight Changes- Weight changes in humans, as well as animals, should not be taken lightly. If your pet faces a sudden weight gain or weight loss even after a regular diet, you should definitely consider a veterinarian. Thyroid, Diabetes, cancer, and kidney diseases may be the reason for it.

Needless panting-

If you notice panting in your pet which you think is not necessary or important at that time, you must visit a vet as unusual panting may be a sign of emotional stress (fear or anxiety) or if they are in some kind of physical pain.

  • Do pets need Routine care? What are the basic routine check-ups?

It is mandatory for both; pets as well as humans to have regular check-ups to stay away from various infections. As said, ‘healthier the pet, longer the life.

Pets can also have numerous diseases. Every disease has a different cure or treatment method. The 5 basic treatments to which the pets are taken-

  1. Vaccines
  2. Dental Care
  3. Flea & Tick Prevention
  4. Heartworm Prevention
  5. Spay or Neuter

What is Spay and Neuter in pets’ routine care? Why is it important?

Spay and Neuter is a way to prevent pets from dying of deadly diseases. Spaying the female pet before she is 6 months old helps them fight diseases like breast cancer. Neutering male pets decrease the risk of testicular cancer, if not, it becomes harder for them to urinate. This problem especially arises in older pets. It also helps the pet to stay calm and improve their behaviour in aggression or roaming behaviour. 

  • What are Cherry eyes?

Unlike humans, few breeds of dogs and cats have 3 eyelids and the problem mainly occurs when the third eyelid’s tear gland gets swollen or red resulting in covering the part of the eye.

Symptoms of Cherry eyes-

  • Pink or red bulge in eye
  • Rubbing of eye
  • Dry eye
  • Unable to close eye

Cause of Cherry eyes-

Genetics- Some of the most common breeds prone to Cherry eyes are- American cocker spaniels, Rottweilers, Sharpies, English bulldogs, Maltese, etc.

Age- Under the age of 2 years, Cherry eyes are most prevalent.

Other infections- If any other infection is disturbing the eyes of your dog, it may probably be Cherry eye.

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