Not everyone is my friend. But the rare friends that I have are not anyone's else cup of tea!!!

I want my relationship like that of radha-krishan ji. No more argument !!!

You can never be as important as you are, to a particular person all the time. Remember that !!!

Some Unique Foreign Business Ideas Not Introduced in India but are Good to Go

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Innovative business concepts are continually developing in the global entrepreneurial scene, changing sectors and opening up new markets. Certain concepts go global, but new business opportunities remain undiscovered in certain areas. In this article, we examine a few distinctive foreign business ideas not introduced in India.

Personalized Nutrition Services

These services are becoming more popular in Western nations. According to a person’s genetic makeup and health objectives, these services use DNA testing and data analysis to develop customized food regimens. Personalized nutrition services are still largely underutilized in India, despite the country’s growing interest in health and well-being. Modern technologies combined with established dietary patterns may open up a new industry for specialized nutrition consulting.

Ethical Fashion Brands

In Western countries, the demand for ethically and sustainably produced clothing has driven the growth of ethical and sustainable fashion movements. India, a major fashion market, needs more ethical firms focusing on sustainability, fair labor, and transparent supply chains.

Services for Elderly Tech Assistance

As technology becomes increasingly ingrained in daily life, older people frequently require tech assistance for software and gadgets. Businesses that provide senior-specific tech help have prospered abroad. The generational divide might be closed and digital inclusion improved in India, where there is a growing senior population and a growing interest in technology among them.

Influencer Reel and Post Spaces

Content producers are working with businesses to promote goods and services as part of the influencer marketing craze, which has swept the globe. India hasn’t, however, really considered the idea of offering specific areas where influencers can produce interesting material. Enhancing influencer content quality through well-equipped studios could benefit both influencers and businesses. This would enable influencers to create top-notch posts, videos, and reels, while also offering businesses an authentic means to connect with their desired audience through influencer endorsements.

Zero-Waste Grocery Stores

The global rise of zero-waste grocery stores is a result of the zero-waste movement, which aims to reduce single-use plastics and packaging. For bulk purchases, these establishments encourage customers to bring their own reusable containers. India is in a unique position to adopt this idea on a bigger scale due to its long-standing traditions of purchasing loose goods from neighbourhood marketplaces. Zero-waste supermarkets may help minimize plastic waste and encourage environmentally friendly purchasing practices.

Indoor Vertical Farming

Agriculture has been revolutionized by indoor vertical farming in Western cities with high populations. This environmentally friendly process uses hydroponic systems, regulated conditions, and vertically stacked layers of crops. Indoor vertical farming offers India a chance to elevate crop quality, reduce water usage, and mitigate transportation emissions, aligning with its agriculture-based economy and urbanization challenges. This approach directly addresses the need for sustainable solutions in both food production and urban development.

Senior Concierge Services

Senior concierge services have gained popularity in many Western countries as ageing populations become a global trend. These services assist seniors with daily activities like shopping, transportation, managing their medications, and companionship. Due to India’s ageing population, there is a chance to develop specialized services that cater to the particular needs of seniors, improving their quality of life and giving their families peace of mind.


These original company concepts from around the world have the potential to succeed in the Indian market since the entrepreneurial ecosystem in India is open to exploration and invention. Entrepreneurs entering underserved markets can build profitable businesses while fostering economic and social development, meeting evolving Indian needs.

For further queries or information or more ideas on Foreign Business Ideas Not Introduced in India, mail us at [email protected] or Instagram us at

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